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     There were a few similarities in the Summer of the Monkeys book and movie. One of the few similarities was Jay Berry, Daisy, Rowdy, and moms names which stayed the same. Dads name was different (Bob (in the book) to John (in the movie)). Daisy was crippled in the movie and book, but in the movie she was walking fine in a few scenes. She did have a reaction to the storm in both the movie, and book. There was a storm, but the Old Man of the Mountains only showed up once in the movie, during the storm, but he still showed up. Daisy wished in a ring that can grant wishes (fairy ring, angel ring).There was a library in the book and movie, although in the movie it seemed to have a bigger part in the movie than the book. At the end of the book Jay Berry got his pony and gun, at the end of the movie Jay probably got his pony.


     There were many differences in the movie and book. For one in the book the only monkey with a name was Jimbo, but in the movie all the monkeys had names, Henry, Dominic, Jack, Antoinette. There were only 4 monkeys in the movie, but in the book there were 29 monkeys. Henry, Dominic, Jack, and Antoinette were in a French circus with one owner, but in the book it was an American circus, with two owners. Bayliss Hatcher came out of nowhere and so did Philip, and Toby. Another thing was Patrisha wasn’t in the movie which was annoying. The thing that really bugged me was that Rowdy wasn’t a Bluetick hound. I mean would it be that hard to get a Bluetick hound to play him.



     There were so many things I like in the book, but not so many in the movie. One of my favorite parts of the book was when Jay Berry realized he had to give the money to Daisy to fix her leg. I liked the Patrisha scene, and the part with the coconuts, ribbons, and trees, and the part where Jay got drunk. But one of my favorite parts of the movie and book was when Papa told Jay Berry he had grown ten feet tall. I also like it in the movie when Jay took Daisy for a ride on his pony. I didn’t like it in the movie when Rowdy was hit by the trap and when they put Rose in the movie instead of Patrisha. The book was good, but the movie was nowhere near as good, but it would be much better if I hadn’t read the book. There were a few things that could be changed in the book and movie. For the book the only thing, is to put Philip in the book, because he made everyone laugh. For the movie director there are so many things they could change. The first things are where did Philip, and Toby come from, they weren’t in the book. Another thing was why was Rowdy hit with the trap. That just ruined the movie. Who was Bayliss Hatcher? He also came out of nowhere. Why didn’t Jay Berry get drunk? That was one of the best parts in the book. What was with the monkey’s names? There was only one with a name in the book. Why were the monkeys in a french circus? It was an American circus in the book. The biggest thing I recommend is to follow the book, it would make everyone much happier.

Pictures cited

Summer of the Monkeys Movie Corey Sevier Original Poster Print. Digital image. Amazon. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2017.

   Comparison Paper

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